About Us
Our Logo & Practices
Our story is best told using our logo. The Medicine Wheel was chosen by the partners to represent our company and how it functions. Aspects of the Lheidli T'enneh First Nations understanding of the Medicine Wheel.
The four colours are the colour of skin, red, black, white and yellow. The colours are used to represent The Native Americans, The Blacks, The Whites and The Asians. It is the equal acceptance of these skin colours that led directly to the foundational values of our company culture.
The frog represents Marcel. He belongs to the frog clan of Lheidli T'enneh
The mountains represent Cheryl, a partner at ANG. She belongs to People of the Rock, McLeod Lake Indian Band.
The bear claw represents Tony, a partner and ANG's general manager. The Bear is his spirit animal.
The salmon represents all the peoples of the territories.
The Medicine Wheel guides our work and supports our understanding that we are better together regardless of gender, race, colour, creed, or ethnicity.
We are not multi-cultural, but we respect the cultures of all the peoples that work with us.
Together we work within the culture that is the vision of All Nations Group Holdings LLP, where all people have a place to work. We find work for people and people for work.
ANG respects where people have come from and the experiences that have led them to us. Our organizational culture is what we refer to as 'A Hub, A Hive, A Home.... A Family'.
The HUB is the umbrella organization of All Nations Group Holdings LLP. Much like the spokes of the wheel, our divisions fan out from the hub and lead into the analogy of the hive.
The HIVE is the perfect example of what hive means to us. A beehive is a marvel of engineering, community capacity and relationships. Everyone connected to the hive has a role to play in the success or failure of the hive colony. The leads us to home.
The HOME. It is important to us, that employees from the bottom to the top and the top to the bottom understand that they have a stake in success. Success comes in many forms and is not limited to one role, one goal, or one path. There is room for consistent improvement within any organization and All Nations Group Holdings LLP, is no different. Sometimes the biggest idea can come from the quiet voice. Learning to listen to those who speak their ideas, increases employee engagement toward the success of the company. This leads us to family.
The FAMILY is an intentional choice for the company, to build a shared culture where we all function together as parts of the whole.
The Partners
Marcel Gagnon is represented in the logo by a frog, as he belongs to the Frog Clan of L'heidli Tenneh.
Cheryl Gagnon is represented in the logo by the mountains. Cheryl belongs to People of the Rock, McLeod Lake Indian Band
Tony Castro is both a partner and General Manager of ANG. He is represented by a bear claw. The bear is Tony's spirit animal.
Natasha Castro is a partner and Assistant at ANG. She is currently away at University, but connects and works remotely.